Thoughts & Poems
Published on July 19, 2004 By pinkuhlicioushippogirl123 In Life Journals
I was living in a false reality
While you so-called dated me
I was so happy... so alive
But I should have seen those warning signs
You played me for my best friend
All you wanted was to get closer with her
So much for a best friend
They say a circle is round
And has no end
Well guess what
Our circle was round until you took
My heart and my best friend
Now our circle is a straight line
With one specific beginning
And a very specific end
But you can never get rid of me
I will love you always and forever
Please, dear God, don't leave me
I don't want to survive a night alone
Just tell me one thing tonight
As I sit here by your side
Why did I fall in love
With the right man
At the perfectly wrong time
But like they say
Every rose has a thorn
Our love is my rose
And you are the thorn

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